Sire: Steel blue grizzle HM PK

(Iven Bettas, Singapore)
Steel blue grizzle HM PK

(Iven Bettas, Singapore)

The Sire is a non-metallic steel blue grizzle HMPK with a nice smooth topline and nice balanced appearance. The dorsal fin is nicely directed forward. The caudal fin has a >180 degree spread although branching is a bit heavy. The anal fin and ventrals are nicely matching the rest of the fish. The Dame is a non-metallic steel blue grizzle HMPK with a nicely slender body, smooth topline and balanced finnage. 
With this cross I hope to create a strong base in order to work towards a quality line of non-metallic iridescent fish with strong bodies, smooth topline and balanced finnage.
The offspring (F1) will be lightbodied non-metallic steel blue (grizzle) HMPKs. 


13/01/14: The pair spawned. Eggs in the nest.
14/01/14: The fry hatched. Seems to be a small spawn.
16/01/14: The fry entered the free-swimming stage. Removed the male.
18/01/14: The fry is feeding well on vinegar eels and BBS.
22/03/14: The fry is now 10 weeks old and were transferred to a bigger grow-out tank together with the fry of BT170114.


11/07/14: The fry is now 26 weeks old.

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