Black dragon HM PK (Orientalbettas, Thailand)
Metallic blue HM PK
(Betta Territory, NL)
Marble HM PK
(Alim G. Sakti, Indonesia)
Black dragon HM PK (Orientalbettas, Thailand)
Metallic blue HM PK
F1, BT200212
(Betta Territory, The Netherlands)
Dame: Black dragon
F1, BT180112B
(Betta Territory, The Netherlands)

The Sire is a strong-bodied metallic blue HMPK with a nice mouth-to-dorsal topline. He has a broad-based dorsal which is nicely directed forward. The caudal fin has a good 180 degree spread but the corners ideally should be sharper. The Dame is relatively small in size with a thick "dragon" scaling which is well distributed on the body with promising finnage. 
With this outcross I hope to fix the strong bodies and improve the reductions in webbing. T
he offspring (F1) will most likely be steel blue/red combtail/CTPKs with a chance of copper popping up. Some fry might loose the red due to the red-loss trait.


17/10/12: The pair spawned.
18/10/12: The fry hatched. There are ~15 fry!
20/10/12: The fry entered the free-swimming stage. Removed the male.
27/10/12: The fry is now 10 days old and feeding well on BBS.
08/11/12: Only a few fry left, this spawned was merged with two other small spawns (BT061012A & BT061012B). Updates will be posted in BT061012B. 

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