Darkbody red CT
(Joty Atmadjaja, Indonesia)
Cambodian red HM PK

(Betta Territory, NL)
Steel blue CTPK
(Markus Bache, Germany)
Cambodian red HM PK

(Betta Territory, NL)
Red Combtail
F1, BT120711
(Betta Territory, The Netherlands)
Dame: Red Combtail PK
F1, BT110711
(Betta Territory, The Netherlands)

The Sire is a darkbodied extended red combtail with a nice strong body and relatively short finnage as compared to his siblings. The reduction in webbing is already ~25% in the three unpaired fins with a varying raysplitting (primary and secundary branching). The Dame is a darkbodied red combtail plakat carrying extended red. It is quite surprising that she shows little iridescence considering her father was a steel blue fish. The shows a strong body but the "mouth-to-dorsal" topline ideally could be smoother. Her appearance is nicely balanced primarily caused by the parallel anal fin. Her caudal shows a good spread and nice primary branching. The doral has a nice shape but the base ideally could be a bit broader. She shows a moderate reduction in webbing which is nicely distributed in all three unpaired fins.
With this cross I hope to take my CTxPK project to the next level by getting some shortfinned fish back showing a good reduction in webbing in all three unpaired fins.
The offspring (F1) will be either darkbodied or cambodian based extended red with a chance of both long- as shortfinned fish popping up. 


18/01/12: The pair spawned!
19/01/12: The fry hatched. Seems like a small spawn.
21/01/12: The fry entered the free-swimming stage. Removed the male.
22/01/12: There are about 20 fry feeding well on BBS.
31/01/12: The fry is now ~2 weeks old.
03/02/12: The fry is now 2 weeks old and feeding well on artemia.


11/02/12: The fry is now 3.5 weeks old.


18/02/12: The fry is now 4.5 weeks old.


18/03/12: The fry is now 9 weeks old.


06/04/12: The fry is now 11 weeks old.


29/04/12: The fry is now 15 weeks old, jarred the first males.

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